Circular Economy Challenge - Results 2020
Today, we are delighted to announce that 2653 people from 61 countries visited the contest page, of which 1567 cast out their vote. Three of the participating projects (meet all the finalist by clicking here) got the highest vote: Sustainalyze with 171 votes, Paperless with 234 votes, and Altepetl with 348 votes. Congratulations!
Thank you very much for your collaboration in communication, and the voice spread as we got amazing numbers, see figure below. In the end, with the CEC 2020, we gave visibility and online presence, not only to the winning project but to all the participants (as we know some of them received messages of people interested in their projects). At the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship, we are committed to supporting social entrepreneurship projects in the creation, expansion, and consolidation of their networks as well as turning ideas into action. Special thanks to our partners Close The Gap, BNP Paribas Fortis, and Euroclear in supporting the CEC 2020, to all the participants, and of course, thanks to you.​