Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2020
“Innovative solutions for a sustainable tomorrow”
9th, 10th and 11th September

Our Summit #SES2020
was virtual
The Social Entrepreneurship Summit –SES– brings together academics, students, business leaders, government officials and social entrepreneurs to co-create solutions to the most challenging issues of our society. This summit aims at gathering all different actors to foster the collaboration among themselves and to intensify the hands-off support to social entrepreneurs. The summit is organized by Equalisi BVBA, in cooperation with the Chair of Social Entrepreneurship at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and ESPAE Escuela de Negocios (Ecuador).
Last year, SES was held in Santa Marta (Colombia) with more than 120 participants, of which 70 presentations from 15 different countries and 30 participants in the fair. We are proud to present the SES2020 edition to be held virtually with the title “Innovative solutions for a sustainable tomorrow”. For two days, participants in the summit will exchange ideas on how to develop innovative solutions for the sustainability challenges that our societies face. At the summit, participants will benefit from the provoking talks of distinguished Key Note Speakers, as well as from direct contact with numerous social entrepreneurs at the social entrepreneurship fair.

Who can participate?
Academics with research interest on Social Entrepreneurship;
University leaders (International Relations, Outreach, Community Engagement) with the main interest in the relationship between the university and local communities;
Students and professionals, with interest in social entrepreneurship;
Social entrepreneurs and business representatives, currently working on all type of projects with a social or environmental impact;
Business leaders and practitioners with connections to Social Entrepreneurship and CSR;
Policymakers and other government agencies;
NGO’s and other organizations with social/environmental projects;
Leaders from incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, and innovation.
What can you expect
from the #SES2020
Get inspired by different presentations from academics, students, business leaders, government officials and social entrepreneurs and other relevant stakeholders from the entrepreneurial ecosystem;
Create long-lasting connections and explore new paths for creating sustainable solutions;
Receive feedback on your current projects on (in support of) social entrepreneurship;
Get new knowledge/skills to bring your ideas and proposed solutions to the next level, with innovative and worth ideas to create a positive impact in your community.
What are the participation styles?
Academic Presentation: All types of scientific research are welcome for presentation, including literature reviews; conceptual papers; case studies; qualitative and quantitative research;
Presentation of University Initiatives: We invite universities to present their exemplary cases on how to support/stimulate social entrepreneurship from teaching, research or outreach activities;
Practitioner’s Presentation: We welcome social enterprises, practitioners and government officials to share their ideas and experience on the topic, by presenting their cases, best practices and discuss their challenges with a broader audience to create awareness, establish new connections, and receive feedback;
Round Table Debates: We welcome proposals that would like to open up the debate on challenging topics in the support of social entrepreneurship;
Social Entrepreneurship Fair: At this fair, local social entrepreneurs will be presenting and selling their products.
Important dates #SES2020
May 31st
Extended deadline for abstract submission
June 10th
Notification of selected authors
August 1st
Registration deadline for authors
August 15th
Registration deadline for general audience
Main topics for submissions to #SES2020
Submissions should mention one of the above types and elaborate on the proposed ideas in a short abstract of 1.000 words. Both presentations in English and in Spanish are welcome, upon a clear presentation of preference. All submissions will be subject to peer-review. There will be an opportunity to publish full papers after the conference (only in English).
We look for submissions on the following topics:
Social Entrepreneurship and their innovative business models;
Building a strong and supportive ecosystem to support social entrepreneurs;
Social entrepreneurship and BoP context (with attention to vulnerable communities and disadvantaged groups);
Social innovation (including presentation of best practices and cases);
The role of universities to promote and support social entrepreneurship;
Case studies of successful social entrepreneurs;
Circular economy and new business models.
This is not an exhaustive list of topics. Therefore, we will welcome any other submission on topics related to Social Entrepreneurship.
Costos de inscripción

Conference dates and activities
Due to the number of the submissions we received from 22 different countries and different times zones, our virtual summit will take place during 3 full days: September 9, 10, and 11. This will allow us to accommodate all different presentations in parallel sessions, as well as our plenary sessions, interesting keynote speakers and social (virtual)gatherings. Our initial plans for a physical conference in Guayaquil included a first day (Sept 9) for the keynote and social event. We will use this day for a full day of the virtual conference instead.
We are currently working on a preliminary version of the program. Please block these 3 days on your agenda. SES2020 activities will be scheduled in the morning timeframe for North, Central and South American participants, which correspond to the afternoon for those attending from Europe and Africa.
Conference Fees
Students and Social Entrepreneurs: 25 €
General attendees: 40 €

Contact information
Prof. dr. Nikolay A. Dentchev
Chair of Social Entrepreneurship - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Drs. Abel Diaz Gonzalez
Research Assistant Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Chair of Social Entrepreneurship