Through the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge (SEC), we want to stimulate the creativity of students, entrepreneurs and employees to develop sustainable solutions for the most challenging problematics of the world, coming up with innovative ideas and solutions to achieve any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Social Entrepreneurs focus on using the available resources to create a better and progressive society by using business strategies to develop solutions. According to the World Economic Forum (2020), “Social entrepreneurs and other front-line actors have a key role to play and need to be given greater prominence and support at this time”.
This webpage first showcases our finalists, then it presents the program.
Videos finalists
Dynalimb Technologies
Fashion Occasion
Organic waste treatment
Lufonja Vegetable Sponge
Planting trees along Mpanga rivers

An online application was launched where individuals or teams could submit their ideas, to participate in this year's challenge.
First round of individual coaching
Teams selected from the submission round are invited for one-on-one coaching meetings, receiving initial feedback on their idea or project.

The teams that have been selected from the coaching sessions are invited to participate to an online workshop facilitated by the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship.
Second round of individual coaching
April - May

The teams that continued the challenge were matched with experts from Euroclear and other partners to further refine their pitch and business model.
Final hybrid event

Teams who successfully submitted their pitches would compete amongst each other for the most popular idea.
Total number of applications: 45
Who could participate?
Individuals or teams from all over the world with an idea to resolve a social or environmental problem. Projects at different stages of development were welcome. Participants needed to be able to carefully describe the social problem they want to solve, the connected sustainable development goal and finally how exactly they are going to tackle this problem.
Costs and selection criteria:
Participation was free of charge and teams were selected based on the impact and feasibility of their idea.
First round of individual coaching (internal)
Total number of invited participants: 42
Of the applications 42 groups got selected to take part in the 2022 Social Entrepreneurship Challenge. These groups
received individual coaching through online sessions. The coaching sessions focused on:
their business idea
the stage of their business idea
areas in which they needed support
Based on these elements, we connected them to people in the network of the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship that could be helpful to overcome identified challenges.

Total number of participants: 33
Of the applications 33 groups continued to the workshop of the 2022 Social Entrepreneurship Challenge workshop. The workshop was facilitated by the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship, and it included:
how to do an elevator pitch
practicing the elevator pitch with other participants
lecture about the social entrepreneurship ecosystem
lecture about the building blocks of the social entrepreneurship business model​
With this knowledge and practical experience the participants were ready for the external individual coaching.
Second round of individual coaching(external)
Total number of coached participants: 32
During the external coaching the teams were matched with Euroclear volunteers and other relevant ecosytem actors. The participants were expected to:​
practice their pitch
discuss their business model
pin-point and discuss challenges​
Final hybrid event
2 May 2022
Total number of finalists: 11
For the participants to reach the final, one last hurdle needed to be crossed, the participants needed to submit a video (max 3 min) of their pitch. ​The use of this video was to facilitate a voting system to determine the winner of the 2022 Social Entrepreneurship Challenge.
After the submission of the video, the participants had 2 weeks to promote their social enterprise and collect as many votes as possible.
The voting (10.000 votes) concluded after the last pitch of the final hybrid event and the participants that were declared winner of the 2022 Social Entrepreneurship Challenge are:
Dynalimb Prosthetics