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Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2020
"Innovative solutions for a sustainable tomorrow"
Online fair 2020
Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals
Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th
Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals
Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th
Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals
Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th
Participants 2020
Dance and Donate
Solar Greenhouses
Craft Bakery
Fundación Guadalquivir
The Clean Water Initiative
Geosíntomas COVID 19
Entrepreneurship and Tax
La Prosperina
El Fuerte de Salgar
Solar Sisters
Peruvian Incubator
Banco de Héroes
Diseño Gráfico Sostenible
Ruido Guayaquil
Weaving Dreams - La Unión
Teachers Science Seedbed

Have a look at our participant projects
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your favorite project
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