Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2020
"Innovative solutions for a sustainable tomorrow"
Online fair 2020
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Fair SES2020
The Fair SES2020 -virtual edition- seeks to bring together inspiring cases of social entrepreneurs and their initiatives and promote their efforts for creating a sustainable and better tomorrow for all of us.

These projects need our support
The Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2020 launches this fair as a way to connect all different participants with the entrepreneurs and seeks to different ways in which we all can mobilize our support. Every single effort counts. Thanks for visiting this fair and for showing your solidarity and support to these great initiatives
Do you have a project for this fair?
The fair is open to social entrepreneurs who want to share their initiatives in the framework of the SES2020. To participate, each project should submit a short video of their initiative, a short description of their project and contact details. We will evaluate each submission and add the project to the virtual fair. Please note that participating with your project at this fair is free of charge.
You can send your videos and information to: Abel Diaz Gonzalez (adiazgon@vub.be) and Jason Roncancio (Jason.Jahir.Roncancio.Marin@vub.be)

If you are visiting
the fair
We invite you to have a look at the projects and their needs of support. Please vote for your favourite project. At the end of the fair, we will announce the project with most votes and award them with an incentive to continue with their efforts of building a better world.